On the 28th May, the PARE project participated in a Special Session on the 7 Aeronautics CSAs (Coordination and Support Actions) at Aerodays 2019-2020, in Bucharest, Romania.
AEROdays (European Aeronautics Days) is the leading event in aviation research and innovation, a solid platform to share and review the latest developments in aeronautics and air transport across the European Union.
The session featured the participation of 7 EU projects from the Last 2 calls of Horizon 2020 in Aeronautics under Topic M.G 1.5: Identification of gaps, barriers and needs in the Aviation Research focused on 7 themes addressed by 7 CSAs (Coordination and Support Actions).
The projects involved were:
2016-1 – Cooperation with Ukraine: AERO-UA
2016-2 – Research Infrastructure: RINGO
2016-3 – International Cooperation: ICARe
2017-4 – Research & Innovation: RADIAN
2017-5 – Mobility: CAMERA
2017-6 – Safety & Security: OPTICS2
2017-7 – Progress towards ACARE goals: PARE
The special session dedicated to the 7 Aeronautics CSAs consisted of:
Short introductions to the EU objectives and the coherence with the CSAs;
Brief presentation of each of the 7 CSAs;
Final period for comments and discussion.
Within this session, Professor Luiz Campos, project coordinator of PARE, presented the main objectives, activities and results of the project.