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Atualizado: 24 de nov. de 2020

The PARE- Perspectives for Aeronautical Research in Europe project is pleased to announce the webinar on “DECARBONIZATION OF AVIATION” which will be held online, on Friday, November 13th 2020, from 15.00 to 17.00 (CET).

The webinar will deal with the topic Decarbonization of Aviation in response to the EC New Green Deal, as discussed within the Chapter 18 of the 3rd Yearly Report of the EU H2020 Project PARE “Perspectives of Aeronautic Research in Europe”. Up to now, the aviation industry approach focuses on four pillars of climate action: reducing fuel use (and CO2 emissions) through new technology and alternative fuels; better operations of existing aircraft; and improvements in infrastructure. For all emissions that cannot be reduced through these pillars, global market-based measures could be used to offset the remaining emissions in order to meet the targets set by the industry.

The first presentation will discuss the PARE project objectives and main results achieved during the three years of activities. The following presentations will deal with several aspects concerning Decarbonization of Aviation

The participation in the webinar is FREE and NO REGISTRATION required. Please, click here to access the webinar.

The detailed program of the webinar can be found here:

This webinar is the second of a series organized to disseminate relevant results achieved by the PARE project. The last webinar will be dedicated “The effects of Covid-19 on Aviation”. All webinars will be in virtual mode to comply with the constraints imposed by the pandemic. The date and programme of the following seminar will be announced soon.

Please, feel free to share this information with people interested in the future of aeronautics.

Here you find the presentations used during the webinar:

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