Last February, the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) Strategy and Integration Board members which includes the Co-Chairs of its Working Groups, have invited PARE and the representatives of the new Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) to a workshop on Assessment methodologies towards meeting ACARE and SRIA goals.
PARE was one of the new CSA attending the ACARE workshop, which took place in Brussels, last February. The aim of the workshop was to engage the participants in the collection of data for ACARE progress report for 2018 & 2020 and to discuss future ways of joint-collaboration between the CSA and the ACARE Working Groups.
ACARE was formed following the launch of “Vision 2020” for European aviation in 2001 by the European Commission with the help of a group of personalities. Since then significant progress has been made in European air transport and close collaboration by ACARE stakeholders has enabled the development of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in 2012. Built on the “Flightpath 2050 Vision for Aviation”, the SRIA sets the strategic roadmap for aviation research, development and innovation. This roadmap provides a guide to future actions in public and private funding programmes, ensuring that research will meet the societal and market needs while maintaining and extending Europe’s industrial leadership in this sector.
To address the needs and priorities for research, technological development, demonstration and innovation in the aviation sector at European level along the key issues identified in the "Flightpath 2050 Vision for Aviation”, ACARE has setup five working groups, which will focus their work and discussions on the following thematic areas: 1) Mobility; 2) Competitiveness; 3) Environment and Energy; 4) Safety and Security; and 5) Resources.
PARE will liaise with ACARE in all its Working Groups and will contribute to make strategic and operational recommendations to achieving the goals of the Flightpath 2050.